C is for... Cora, Chet & Charlie.

C is for... Cora, Chet & Charlie.
C is for… Cora, Chet & Charlie.
The Lullaby Collection.
A set of 11”x17” frame-able, Poster Prints, of their Painting, Poem & Lullaby Sheet Music,
Cora, Chet & Charlie Wandered Far Away One Day,
Past Uncle Mose’s Garden And The Fields So Tall With Hay...
They Trod Along The Gravel As The Autumn Sun Went Down,
Then Found The Place...
Where All The Corn...
Had Spilled Onto The Ground.
Charlie Grabbed A Hanky That Was Tied Upon His Back,
While Chet & Cora Scooped The Corn
Into That Ol’ Knapsack...
They Skipped & Laughed & Ran Back Home
Beneath The Harvest Light...
Then Shared That Loot,
Back At The Coop,
With All Their Friends That Night..
I”ll Never Wander Away From You.
I’ll never wander away from you
never far from where you are
Step by step I will follow you
just a glance apart
If you fear you are all alone
Don’t be scared
I’ll be there
Warm, with light, in the cold & dark
Right... where... you are.
I’ll never wander away from you
never far from where you are
Step by step I will follow you
just a glance apart.
Painting, Poem & Lullaby by BSchlegel