H is for Hudson Hornet.

H is for Hudson Hornet.


H is for Hudson Hornet.

(Life in Bumble County)

The Lullaby Collection.

A set of 11”x17” frame-able, Poster Prints of Hudson’s Painting, Poem & Lullaby Sheet Music...

“Wings” Hudson’s Lullaby.


If I had wings... if I could fly

Up to the clouds, I’d land each night

I’d dance and sing, sweet lullabies

If I had wings... if I could fly

If I could swim the ocean deep

The fishes there, would know where to peek

I’d find the mermaids... & the Triton King

If I could swim the ocean deep.

If I could climb that mountain high

I’d reach my arms into the sky

& with the eagles, away I’d fly

If I could climb that mountain high

I’ll take you with me where I go

You’re in you’re heart, & you’re in my soul

Up it the air, or the ocean deep

You’re with me now, and will always be

Written by BSchlegel

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